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Bring balance to your life with our yoga courses

Welcome to YogaCollective!

We at YogaCollective are more than just a yoga studio, we are a community of people seeking health, harmony and spiritual development through the practice of yoga. Our studio welcomes everyone who wants to find inner strength, peace and balance in the hustle and bustle of the modern world.

We offer a variety of yoga courses for all levels of practice, from beginners to experienced yogis. We strive to create a cosy and inspiring environment where each member of our team can unlock their potential and find their own yoga direction.

Our team of experienced instructors are here to support you every step of the way on your journey, helping you deepen your practice, learn to listen to your body and expand your mind. We believe in the power of a united consciousness and strive to create a space where each member of YogaCollective can grow and develop with others.

Join our collective today and discover the magic of yoga with us!

Let's create harmony together: start with our yoga courses



Yoga for Back Health: Strengthening the Back and Spine

This course offers specially designed exercises and asanas to strengthen and support back health, reduce pain and improve posture.

Gentle Yoga for Seniors: Yoga for Health and Flexibility

This course is aimed at seniors and offers gentle and safe yoga practices to support health, flexibility and overall wellbeing.

Yoga for Creativity: inspiration through practice

In this course you will explore the connection between yoga and creativity through various asanas, meditations and techniques to develop creativity.

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